Friday, July 27, 2012

Disabling Android 4.0 ICS Emergency Alerts

After being woken up a few times by Emergency Alerts on my new Droid Incredible 4g, I finally decided I had to disable these things. After looking online, most of the advice didn't lead me to where I need to go to disabled them.


  • Open up your text message app.
  • Go to "Menu" -> "Settings". You need to be at the home screen of your text messages. If you are in a particular text message conversation screen, the "Menu" button won't show you the "Settings". 
  •  There should be an "Emergency Alerts" category/option, where you can check off the severity of alerts you want to receive. One alert, "Presidential Alert" can't be disabled.

I believe that my text message app is part of HTC Sense 4.0. I can't be certain that other Android phones don't have a slightly different setup. Either way, I'm fairly certain that, in Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0, the option to modify/enable/disable "Emergency Alerts" is going to be in your main text message settings.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Workhorse Cisco PIX 515, keeps going and going

I'm not even sure if this is a long time by everyday standards, but figured I would share:

Total: 3 years and 51 days of uninterrupted uptime for this Cisco PIX 515e, and pushing traffic the whole time.

If it wasn't rebooted to update the OS, it would be easily 5+ years of uptime.

It's doubtful that the longest uptime is an encouraged achievement. There are probably multiple exploits that are going unpatched. 

Unfortunately, we will be retiring this firewall for a new ASA 5510. As much as it's dumb to fix what's not broken, we need to keep up with newer software/security. One of my worries about keeping the PIX is a situation where it's so old it's unsupported or unable to transition the config over to new firewall because so much has changed.